-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Legend of Zelda SRAM Editor 0.90a | Copyright (C) 2007-2008 emuWorks | http://games.technoplaza.net/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1.0 Introduction - 2.0 Usage - 3.0 Source Code - 4.0 Revision History - 5.0 Notes - 5.1 Credits - 5.2 Known Issues - 6.0 License - 7.0 Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1.0 Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend of Zelda SRAM Editor, or lozsrame for short, is a program that will let you edit your save progress in The Legend of Zelda for NES. The game's own method for saving games was to used a battery backed portion of RAM commonly referred to as SRAM (save RAM). Emulators such as Nestopia, FCEU, and Nesten create a file with an .sav extention to keep this SRAM data. This program is designed to edit these files and allow you to change your game data. Note: this program is an SRAM editor, NOT a save state editor. This program will not edit save states. Save states are emulator dependent, while SRAM files work with any good NES emulator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2.0 Usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To use this program, you will need two things. First, obviously, is the program itself. Precompiled binaries are available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Second is a SRAM file. There is a sample file included with the binary distributions, but you will probably want to use the one from your emulator. You will need to consult your emulator docs for information about where the SRAM file is stored, but the most common places are in the emulator's directory or your ROM directory. It will be named similar to your ROM, but with an .sav extention. For example: Legend of Zelda, The (U) (PRG0).sav. To open the SRAM, you can either drop the file onto the window, or choose open from the file menu. Assuming you opened a valid SRAM file, the program will display controls that you can use to edit the games. By default, the first valid game in the SRAM is opened. You can change this from the game menu. The controls should be more or less obvious. When you are done with your changes, you can quit the program. If you have not saved your changes, the program will ask you to save before exit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3.0 Source Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Binaries are available for Windows (2000 and later), Linux, and Mac OS X (Tiger or later). The source is also available if you want to compile it yourself. To compile, you will need a modern C++ compiler and Qt 4. On most platforms, compiling is as easy as opening a terminal and running qmake && make (nmake for Visual Studio, or mingw32-make for mingw). That should work on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. For more complete compilation instructions, consult our compiling HOWTO at http://games.technoplaza.net/compile.php. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 4.0 Revision History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.90a - Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - Updated compilation instructions. - Added icon on mac. Version 0.90 - Thursday, February 1, 2008 - Initial Release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5.0 Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5.1 Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for Bero and Xodnizel for the wonderful FCEU emulator which I use almost exclusively. Thanks also to BBitmaster, Parasyte, and sp for their work on FCEUD, FCEUXD, and FCEUXD SP, a great debugging NES emulator which I used to find the checksum algorithm and all the values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5.2 Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program only edits your inventory, not the map data. This means if you give yourself something you didn't have, you can still find it. This is not really a problem, the problem is with taking something away. You will not be able to get it back in-game. I may fix this in a future version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6.0 License -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lozsrame is licensed under the GNU GPL. You can read the full text of the license in the docs/license.txt directory. You can also learn more about it at http://www.gnu.org/. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 7.0 Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can contact the author at webmaster technoplaza net. We also have an online feedback form at http://www.technoplaza.net/feedback.php. Visit our website at http://games.technoplaza.net/.